
Centre of Evidence of Dermatology Best practice guidelines

Guidelines chronic spontaneous urticaria Updated on december 2019


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The use of this data is under the sole responsibility of the user. The French Dermatology Society cannot be blamed for a misinterpretation of the data provided by the site, or in the event of erroneous information. This decision tree and all the contents of this site have been developed in the context of updated data from science according to the HAS methodology, expert opinions and reviewers of the various documents and in the context of the French healthcare system.

Adult and adolescent > 12 years
Stage 2 / second-line treatment

Back to decision-making tree Print last updated on 21/02/2024

Increased dose of second-generation anti-H1 antihistamines
up to 4 doses per day

Increasing the dose by a factor of 4 has shown good results with cetirizine and levocetirizine, providing better symptom control than the conventional dose.

The dose increase should be rapid (< 2 months) as efficacy is demonstrated in the short term: the time before increasing the dose depends on the study, ranging from 1 week to 2 months. The manner in which the dose is increased is not uniform across studies, where it is most often increased incrementally.

Most experts, in case of resistance to conventional doses of anti-H1 antihistamines, use a quadruple dose of anti-H1 antihistamines right away, then decrease to 3 doses, then 2 or even 1 after achieving remission at the minimum effective dose.

With regard to the tolerance of cetirizine, levocetirizine and rupatadine, no more frequent or more serious adverse effects were found at higher doses than at conventional dose. The main adverse effects are drowsiness, including with second-generation anti-H1 drugs, headache and nausea.

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