
Centre de Preuves en Dermatologie Best practice guidelines

Guidelines hidradenitis suppurativa Updated on Aug 19


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Context and objectives of the recommendation

Back to decision-making tree Print last updated on 15/02/2025


These recommendations for the treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), also known as Verneuil disease, have been elaborated by the Centre de Preuves en Dermatologie (Centre of Evidence of Dermatology) to provide medical professionals treating patients suffering from this disease with decision-making tools. The goal is to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of this disease, for which few factual data are available. Recommendations will be updated in the coming years, according to new scientific data.

Patients concerned by these recommendations

Adolescent or adult patients presenting with hidradenitis suppurativa.

Medical professionals concerned

The professionals concerned are medical staff treating patients suffering from hidradenitis suppurativa, in particular dermatologists, infectious disease specialists, surgeons (in particular plastic surgeons), addictologists and general practitioners, but also emergency internists, gynaecologists, gastroenterologists, rheumatologists, paediatricians, psychologists, nursing staff and dieticians who may be involved in treating this disease.

Working group

A multidisciplinary and multiprofessional working group was set up.
It is composed of the following members:

The president co-ordinated the group’s work; the project leader identified and selected elements of the rationale and co-ordinated its drafting. The drafting of the scientific rationale was based on a critical analysis and a summary of the literature (participation of all work group members).

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