
Centre de Preuves en Dermatologie Best practice guidelines

Guidelines cold urticaria Updated on Sep 24


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Context and Objectives of the Recommendation

Back to decision-making tree Print last updated on 26/09/2024


The recommendations for the management of Cold Urticaria (CU) are developed by the Dermatology Evidence Center with the aim of providing healthcare professionals managing these patients with decision support tools. They are intended to facilitate the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to this condition for which little factual data is available. These recommendations will evolve with new scientific data in the coming years.

In the absence of a consensus on the management of this type of urticaria, the objectives of these French recommendations are to provide healthcare professionals caring for patients with cold urticaria with tools to better define the disease, its prognosis, and the essential elements for diagnosis and treatment. The concerned professionals are general practitioners, emergency physicians, dermatologists, pediatricians, allergists, occupational health doctors, as well as healthcare personnel involved in patient therapeutic education.

Patients Covered by These Recommendations

These recommendations cover both pediatric and adult forms. However, forms related to cryopathies will not be addressed (familial cold urticaria, genetically determined cold urticaria, cold urticaria accompanying autoinflammatory diseases).

Concerned Professionals

The concerned professionals are healthcare providers treating patients with Cold Urticaria, particularly dermatologists, infectious disease specialists, surgeons including plastic surgeons, addiction specialists, general practitioners, as well as emergency physicians, internists, gynecologists, gastroenterologists, rheumatologists, pediatricians, and also psychologists, nurses, and dietitians involved in this pathology.

Working Group

A multidisciplinary and multi-professional working group has been formed.
It includes:

The chairperson coordinated the group's work and identified, selected, and coordinated the drafting of the rationale. The drafting of the scientific rationale was based on a critical analysis and synthesis of the literature (all working group members).

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