
Centre de Preuves en Dermatologie Best practice guidelines

Guidelines hidradenitis suppurativa Updated on Aug 19


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Comorbidities and associated disease

Back to decision-making tree Print last updated on 21/02/2024

Follicular diseases

Follicular diseases can precede the first symptoms of HS by several years:

Inflammatory diseases

Digestive tract or rheumatism inflammatory diseases can be associated, justifying systematic investigation of symptoms associated with the following pathologies during patient interviews:

Skin cancers

A few observational studies have highlighted a higher prevalence of epidermoid skin cancer in patients with HS (approximately 4 times greater risk of developing an epidermoid carcinoma, regardless of anatomical location).

Cardiovascular diseases

Different epidemiological studies suggest that there is an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with HS (especially in severe cases) and of an associated metabolic syndrome (including obesity, dyslipidemia, diabetes or high blood pressure).

Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is defined as the presence of at least 3 of the following criteria:
Waist > 102 cm, men
> 88 cm, women
Triglycerides > 1,50 g/L
HDL cholesterol < 0,40 g/L men
< 0,50 g/Lwomen
Blood pressure ≥ 130/85 mmHg
Fasting blood sugar level > 1,10 g/L

The patient should be referred to a specialist in case of doubt.

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